Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I can't believe that we're at the end of this incredible experience! I have to say that my favorite discovery in all of this is that I came to love blogging! Initially it seemed more than a little daunting to me to have my thoughts out there for all the world to potentially see. Which surprised me because I consider myself to be a rather open person, but then again I guess I can also be very private. In any case I quickly realized, along with many others I'm sure! that I was in control, and that I only had to put forth thoughts that I actually wanted others to see. Silly me!

I truly enjoyed most of the exercises. Some were a little more difficult than others, but nothing was overly so. And many were just plain fun!! The avatar comes to mind! Overall I have to say that this program affected my lifelong learning skills by teaching me that I actually still have some! I think that perhaps I was just getting to a point in my life where I was feeling that technology was moving past me and that I was helpless to keep up with it. All of these exercises, difficult or otherwise, taught me that indeed that just isn't so! And not only that, it taught me that I have more than enough capabilities to continue to learn as I move through middle-age and beyond. I couldn't be more thrilled by this knowledge.

When we first started this process I went into it thinking that I'd create a blog just long enough to complete the tasks and then I'd delete it. However, as we progressed and I added more and more to the look of it and connected to people in ways I'd never even imagined, I became completely attached. And now I can't imagine disabling it. It's become a wonderful way to connect and share with people that I'd never have had an opportunity to connect with in any other way. It's a powerful and direct channel for interpersonal communications and proved to be a fantastic morale booster as well. I know quite a few people who have become very excited and happy with this process.

Without a doubt, if another such program is offered here at SIL in the future I will participate without hesitation. Thank you for the golden opportunity!


thisandthat said...

I couldn't agree more, Jazzi. It's nice to find out that I still had it in me to learn all this new-fangled technology. While a few of the assignments were a bit of a challenge, most of them were just plain fun!

Jazzergigi said...

You said it T&T. I sure hope you're keeping your blog up as well. It's a good one! :-)