Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weird Headlines

Yikes. This one I can't resist commenting on today Man Caught Wearing Stolen String Bikini . I'm wondering if the reporter knows the difference between a "string" Bikini and a "thong". Although thankfully there isn't a picture accompanying the story, so I guess I'll never know the answer to that question...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Space

Okay, another assignment completed. This one kind of baffles me. While it definitely wasn't hard to accomplish, I couldn't help but wonder what the major difference is between a MySpace Page and this blog. When it comes right down to it, it seems to me that they're extremely similar. But, maybe that's just my age speaking... And speaking of "age" I understand that there are people who weren't honest about theirs on their MySpace Page. Apparently there were some concerned about appearing too "old" for a MySpace Page or perhaps they were worried that the MySpace "Police" would contact them and make them move to EONS? ;-) It never occurred to me to put any other age on there other than my own, so I may actually show up as one of the oldest people on there. Oh well. Thank goodness for Jazzercise! The 40's really are the new 30's.

Friday, April 18, 2008

March 30, 2008 snow

March 30, 2008 snow
March 30, 2008 snow,
originally uploaded by Jazzergigi. experience with Flikr was interesting, to say the least! But thanks to Denise, of Mahalo fame, I was able to get the job done! :-)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weird Headlines

I have to admit that the one "Poor Get Recycled Drugs in Some States" had me a little scared for a minute...I started to take it...well...never mind.
And the one about "Authorities Search for Men who Stole $24k in Beer" had me wondering if it was related to the article about "15 Foods That Help Burn Fat". Maybe they thought that beer (I know it's not a food, but go with me on this!)was one of them?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Streaming Music

I went with finetune for my music streamer. It was easy to set up and pretty instinctive to use. And it was also very easy to imbed in my blog. Very fun! Thanks Sno-Isle for giving me these assignments and "encouraging" me to learn how to do this stuff. For as much as I love "gadgets" I don't think I'd have done these specific things otherwise.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Favorite funny headlines - taken from feeds to the right of page.

The one that first caught my eye was the one about the burglar who was "...nabbed while playing dead at a funeral parlor". I immediately heard my mother's voice in my head "be careful what you wish for". Then when I read the article and it turned out that one of the reasons he was caught was because he was breathing...well...I guess if you're a burglar to begin with you're clearly not the "brightest bulb in the box". Pun intended (you'll understand if you read the full article).
The second one that I can't resist commenting about is the one about the "Undersea Soap Opera of Octopuses...". Having been an avid fan of "All My Children" for many many years, I can't help but wonder if perhaps Erika Kane hasn't found another avenue for locating husbands.

New topics

I find that I'm becoming more than a little bored with simply posting about discarded Explore Books, so look for future postings here to be on a different topic entirely! Stay tuned.

RSS Feeds

I find that the "feeds" are useful to a point. It's nice to put some of my favorite blogs on there and see at a glance if someone has posted something new, however it's kind of frustrating to not be able to see new comments, let alone be able to comment from there. If that is possible and I'm just missing it somewhere, someone will have to let me know... I am thinking that in terms of Acquisitions, I can see, quite possibly, a time when we will be "paperless" in the way we receive all of our orders from the various selectors around the building. And receiving them via an RSS Feed would probably work well.

I've been a subscriber to Unshelved for a long time now (since before the name change, back when they were called "Overdue") and have been receiving news updates from both CNN and since 911.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Two decrepit titles today

Today we have two books in really terrible shape. The first is a pretty "old title" for the Explore Collection, "The Purpose Driven Life", a well known title by Rick Warren. This one has many warped, dirty pages, along with a warped cover. It looks like it has been involved in a soaking of some sort. I don't think I want to know what it was soaked in... Bleh! The second title is "The Tea Rose" by Jennifer Donnelly. It also has warped pages and the cover is bent all the way back over itself. Unfortunately this book is really new to the collection. I think it only went out once to the branches. Sad. It has lovely cover art on it. I may just read it myself. That's it for now.

"So many books, so little time". Jazzergigi