Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Streaming Music

I went with finetune for my music streamer. It was easy to set up and pretty instinctive to use. And it was also very easy to imbed in my blog. Very fun! Thanks Sno-Isle for giving me these assignments and "encouraging" me to learn how to do this stuff. For as much as I love "gadgets" I don't think I'd have done these specific things otherwise.


Diana said...

Looking at your blog makes me want to do something to jazz mine up a bit too. There must be a way to add music...

Denise said...

My second attempt at this comment. Dumb website had a glitch first time so if you end up with two that's why. Anyway, I had The Highwayman by Loreena McKennitt playing on my FineTune streaming music...which reminded me to check your blog on my break to see if I could see your songs there. At the time it said you were listening to Crash by Dave Matthews. Which I thought was interesting if true...because the only two Dave Matthews songs I like are Crash and Satellite. Anyway, now it says it's Meatloaf. Another fine song. And this really is your random thought for the day :-)

thisandthat said...

Hey, denise... I absolutely adore Loreena McKennitt. I especially like The Mummers' Dance and The Highway Man. I haven't listened to her CD's for a while, so I'm glad you mentioned her so I can add her to my playlist. :)