Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Space

Okay, another assignment completed. This one kind of baffles me. While it definitely wasn't hard to accomplish, I couldn't help but wonder what the major difference is between a MySpace Page and this blog. When it comes right down to it, it seems to me that they're extremely similar. But, maybe that's just my age speaking... And speaking of "age" I understand that there are people who weren't honest about theirs on their MySpace Page. Apparently there were some concerned about appearing too "old" for a MySpace Page or perhaps they were worried that the MySpace "Police" would contact them and make them move to EONS? ;-) It never occurred to me to put any other age on there other than my own, so I may actually show up as one of the oldest people on there. Oh well. Thank goodness for Jazzercise! The 40's really are the new 30's.


cardboard queen said...

Right on Jazz! I was thinking the same thing...if I have a blog, why do I need MySpace? It must be an age thing.

thisandthat said...

Hmmm... I can't imagine anyone lying about their age! Have they no shame?

Jazzergigi said...

Nope, apparently not. ;-)