Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weird Headlines

I have to admit that the one "Poor Get Recycled Drugs in Some States" had me a little scared for a minute...I started to take it...well...never mind.
And the one about "Authorities Search for Men who Stole $24k in Beer" had me wondering if it was related to the article about "15 Foods That Help Burn Fat". Maybe they thought that beer (I know it's not a food, but go with me on this!)was one of them?


HR Girl said...

Hey Jazzer Gigi!
HR Girl here! Finally found your blog and I wanted to see the weird headlines (I'm always up for a good laugh). I was having trouble reading the red text on the purple background though--would you consider changing the color? Talk to you soon!

Jazzergigi said...

Thanks for the feedback hr girl! I appreciate it. Let me know if the color change works for you. :-)

cardboard queen said...

How did you imbed FineTunes into your blog? Will you come up and show me?

Jazzergigi said...

Yep. I'll see you on Monday in the AM Queenie. :-)

cardboard queen said...

Drinking beer can burn fat...the more times you go to the fridge, the more calories you burn. Well, that's what I heard.

thisandthat said...

LOL... I like the way you think, CQ. Anyway, I just watched the youtube video about the wife involved in the divorce. This woman sounds (and looks) crazy to me. I get the impression it was all about the money to her. I'd love to hear the husband's view on things.

groovelily said...

I think the "crazy woman" wants her husband to feel as bad as she does. If he didn't love her enough to remain faithful, he should have filed for a divorce. She is hurting and wants him to hurt. She wants the world, his friends, his family to know what she does. She wants him to be ashamed and embarassed. I know most everyone who sees the video is on the poor innocent husbands side, and gee no wonder he had an affair... but he is the one that did wrong. IMHO