Thursday, April 3, 2008

Favorite funny headlines - taken from feeds to the right of page.

The one that first caught my eye was the one about the burglar who was "...nabbed while playing dead at a funeral parlor". I immediately heard my mother's voice in my head "be careful what you wish for". Then when I read the article and it turned out that one of the reasons he was caught was because he was breathing...well...I guess if you're a burglar to begin with you're clearly not the "brightest bulb in the box". Pun intended (you'll understand if you read the full article).
The second one that I can't resist commenting about is the one about the "Undersea Soap Opera of Octopuses...". Having been an avid fan of "All My Children" for many many years, I can't help but wonder if perhaps Erika Kane hasn't found another avenue for locating husbands.


Denise said...

I like your new direction! Commenting on the people (and sealife) in the news headlines should be much fun. Who knew there was such scandalous octopus behavior??

groovelily said...

Days of our lives! Hilarious stories... I don't think I would want to get that close to a pitbull who was already attacking...

still confused said...

very funny stories. Fact is indeed stranger than fiction. Keep 'em coming.

Booked In Bellingham said...

So RSS feeds need to properly digested and "fedback." Thanks for the "digest."