Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All over Avatar!! Updated 6/25/08

I couldn't even wait for the assignment to actually be due for this one. This is the most awesome internet tool ever! I'd seen a couple of these animated folks and always wondered where folks got them from. So as soon as I saw that they were next week's assignment I had to do it right away! Very fun.
Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am totally a clothes freak and a shopaholic, so the very idea that I could shop for an animated character, (not only clothing, but hair style, etc.) was simply intoxicating for me!
I went with Meez and was totally overwhelmed by all the choices. Although I was a little disappointed that the really cool stuff (like a background of a mansion, a yacht or a penthouse) were just a little too "expensive" for me right off the bat. But, I'm already saving "coinz" for 'em! LOL!!

I checked out the other Avatars a little bit, and for what I'm using my Avatar for, I much prefer Meez. From what I saw the different options for body, hair, eyes, etc. weren't nearly as good as what Meez offered. And I didn't even look at any of their clothing. I have no doubt that Meez offers far more clothing for the gal who wants to stay current with her outfits and gives a fashion crazy gal like myself more than enough clothing options to keep me up at night filling my Meez-gal's closet! And the! This girl will get to see places that I only dream of.

I saw that much like Second Life, Meez offers an online community, but that's just a bit too much for me. I already find myself crunched for time in the real world. How much worse would I make it if I started to spend time in a virtual one? Yikes. My closets and cupboards at home seriously need to be gone through! I'll keep the Avatar World of online communities in mind for retirement. ;-)

I also checked out Ms. Dewey. She's great! I totally love her attitude!


groovelily said...

Fun! I love making avatars too... I wish they could earn some real money for us.

David said...

I read "The 4-Hour Work Week", and one of the author's suggestions for saving time is to farm out work tasks, even outsourcing them to India. I now have my avatar doing 3/4 of my job. This isn't even me typing this!

Captain ILL said...

David, I'm having trouble locating the software to get my avatar to do my job. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.

Jazzergigi said...

I suspect that my avatar is so good looking (far cuter than the real me), that if she were to actually start working at my desk it'd disrupt the men around here way too much and nothing would get done. ;-)

groovelily said...

And they look good in anything!

David said...

Great -- I just checked my bank account and found that my avatar has cleaned it out. Who knew the liquor store would accept his "virtual checks"?

Jazzergigi said...

Yikes! I wonder what other kind of trouble a drunk Avatar could get into???

Captain ILL said...

I haven't checked my bank account lately, but my avatar seems to be somewhere tropical, so I fear the worst.

Janner said...

Thanks so much for sharing!! Fun, fun...I'm dancing!!

Captain ILL said...

Jazzergigi, perhaps you could offer me some tips on making my meez look less like Billy Crystal?

Jazzergigi said...

Sure! I'd be more than happy to. I'd probably start by adding a little more color to his face. And did you use the "sophisticated features" that Meez offers? If not, I'd try some of those out too... Tell you what, if you have any free time later shoot me an e-mail and I'll come on over and we'll see what we can do for an official first SIL Avatar Extreme Make-over. It'll be fun!

Denise said...

Thanks again for the Meez suggestion. They are definitely a bit more elaborate and fun than the other ones! Yours is fabulous!!

Jazzergigi said...

Awww...thanks. I love your avatar too! I can't wait to see where she'll go next. :-)

cardboard queen said...

Jazz-girl, I don't know what you think you look like, but your avatar is not that far off the real thing! Many thanks for putting us onto meez...most fun we've had in this entire process!

thisandthat said...

Jazzi, you need to take a long look in the mirror if you think your avatar is "far cuter than" the real you. Your avatar is adorable, but you totally outshine her! I, too, want to thank you for the Meez suggestion. It's a lot more fun than the lame avatar websites we were given in the assignment! You'd think for something with this much "fun" potential, the Web 2.0 team would have hooked us up better.